網站: www.zhengheswitch.com
電話號碼: 13427993172
傳真號碼: 852-35430978
聯繫人: Richard Yang
詳細地址: flat/rm A, 18/f Kingswell Commercial Tower, 172 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
在線地圖: 查看大圖
HKWebDir No.LKE51C3363-2937
HongKong CHNH Electronics Co., Ltd., is a professional manufacturer of various electronic products, especially the Tact Switches, Micro Switches, Slide Switches,Toggle switches, Push Button Switches, Phone Jacks, USB Connecters and so on, which can be widely used in the precision electronics industry like mobile, MP3, digital camera, auto electronics and portable DVD and other relative fields.

Tact Switches, Micro Switches, Slide Switches,Toggle switches, Push Button Switches, Phone Jacks, USB Connecters

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