Hing Lung Motor Mfy.

網站: www.hinglungmotor.com.hk
電話號碼: 852-24218309
傳真號碼: 852-24817148
詳細地址: Flat 1, 23 Floor, Front Block, Wah Fat Industry Building, 10-14 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, Kowloon, Hong Kong
區: 香港島
在線地圖: 查看大圖
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Hing Lung Motor Mfy, established in 1986, produce DC/AC motor and Electronic DC motor for operating toys, electric household appliances, records etc. With the experiences we have gone through all these years, we have the full confident that our products will satisfied you--- our customers.

produce DC/AC motor and Electronic DC motor for operating toys, electric household appliances, records etc.

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