ACG Green Group Inc

電話號碼: (852)23171487
傳真號碼: (852)23174487
聯繫人: Mr Jonathan Tam
詳細地址: Room 505 5/F Tower 2 Silvercord, 30 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
區: 香港島
在線地圖: 查看大圖
HKWebDir No.LKE1ED2392-2981
ACG Green Group is a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of home decorating products. The Company does business with major retailers and distributors in more than 40 countries. Our mission is to provide superior profits to our customers with Superior Design and the Broadest Product Range in our industry

Pillows, bedding, fabric boxes, table lines, aromatherapy, novelty, franganced fruit and floating candles, wooden jewelry and music box

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