網站: www.hbs.hk
電話號碼: 28935880
傳真號碼: 28935890
聯繫人: benny
詳細地址: hong kong
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HKWebDir No.LKBD0E1836-2717
HBS & Co Limited., established in March 1993, is a integrated plastic-processing corporation ranging from design of products to producing of mold, specialized in manufacturing precision injection plastics (toy and telephone shell, turnover box), painting plastic cements, designing and producing all kinds of plastic molds, as well as undertaking to process various plastic products. Due to much experience on plastic processing and working attitude to meet customers' satisfaction, Jin Shan has developed into a manufacturer with certain scale since its establishment in 1993.We possess on hand more than 100 kinds of telephone exterior molds and toy molds, over 50 computer-controlling injection molding machines of Hong Kong Chenhsong, as well as accessory Modeling department, Color-matching department and production facilities. Additionally, we provide chains service from product development, mold and injection mold processing to product post-processing. Jin Shan knows to its cost that besides one's own constant belief the most important is mutual credits and mutually supporting copartners during continuous struggling. We sincerely hope that the service we offer would be adopted by you and make you more competitive.

plastic molds,more than 100 kinds of telephone exterior molds and toy molds, over 50 computer-controlling injection molding machines of Hong Kong Chenhsong

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