Troppers Plastic & Metalware Manufactory Company

電話號碼: (852) 2562 9923
傳真號碼: (852) 2528 9383
詳細地址: Rm 1108, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
在線地圖: 查看大圖
HKWebDir No.LK8E153013-2467
We would like to introduce ourselves as a well-established manufacturer & exporter both in Hong Kong and China. We are specializing in screwdrivers, gardening tools, auto electric tools, premium & gift items, etc. Our China production operation is strictly under Hong Kong supervision. We have our own production facilities, such as plastic injection machines, blow moulding machines, punching machines, screen/pad printing, especially fully equipped moulding facilities to cope with our customer's design specification. Our Research & Development department can design & develop a comprehensive range of products and marketing strategy, it might be able to assist your production's development as well.

We are specializing in screwdrivers, gardening tools, auto electric tools, premium & gift items, etc.

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